Vu (Anthony) Le
I'm a first year Computer Science PhD student in the
University of Massachusetts Amherst,
advised by
VP Nguyen . I'm also working at
Berkeley Lab to enhance QubiC (Quantum Bit Control), an open-source
FPGA-based control and measurement system for superconducting quantum bits.
My research focuses on leveraging machine learning to study readout fidelity, mid-circuit
measurement and state discrimination while exploring efficient computer architectures for improved
scalability and performance. I am also deeply interested in quantum machine learning, particularly
in quantum neural networks
My CV will be available upon request.
- Personal email: vule20.cs AT gmail [DOT] com
- UMass email: vdle AT cs.umass [DOT] edu
- Berkeley Lab email: vule AT lbl [DOT] gov
Scholar /
Github /
LinkedIn /
- 02/2025: I’m honored to receive the James Kurose Scholarship in Computer Science.
01/2025: I open sourced
my GitHub repository and tutorials
for the QubiC quantum control system
12/2024: I officially become a research affiliate with
Berkeley Lab.
- 09/2024: My new academic website with the domain is live now.
09/2024: One paper accepted at
ACM SenSys 2024.
- 09/2024: I joined University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA as a PhD student.
- 01-04/2024: I received multiple offers to pursue my CS PhD in the USA.
- 10/2023: One paper accepted at IEEE/CVF WACV.
- 06/2022: I graduated with a bachelor degree from Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
Selected Research
I'm interested in quantum computing, computer architecture, deep learning, and scalable networked
systems. Most of my research is about computer systems, systems and computer vision applications.
Some papers are
MagicStream: Bandwidth-conserving Immersive Telepresence via Semantic Communication
Ruizhi Cheng, Nan Wu, Vu Le, Eugene Chai,
Matteo Varvello ,
Bo Han
ACM SenSys 2024,  
(A* conference)
project page /
MagicStream, a first-of-its-kind semantic-driven immersive telepresence system that effectively
extracts and delivers compact semantic details of captured 3D representation of users, instead of
traditional bit-by-bit communication of raw content.
Fast and Interpretable Face Identification for Out-Of-Distribution Data Using Vision
Hai Phan, Cindy Le, Vu Le,
Yihui He, Anh Totti
CVF/WACV 2024  
(A conference)
project page /
code /
Using vision transformers for out-of-distribution data face identification, runs twice faster
while achieving comparable performance with the state of the art DeepFace-EMD model.
Apart from being a researcher, I'm also an experienced software and devops engineer. I enjoy
building scalable backend systems that can handle large traffics.